How much should a 9 year old weigh? And how tall is a 9 year old on average? If you want to know the answer to either or both of these questions, then our informative article will give you the data-backed facts to put you in the know.
Related Height and Weight Guides:
- Average height for boys
- Average girl height
- How tall is a 10 year old supposed to be?
- Average weight for 8 year olds
- Average weight for 7 year olds
- Average weight for 6 year olds
- Average weight for 5 year olds
- Average weight for 4 year olds
- Average weight for 3 year olds
- Average weight for 2 year olds
- Average weight for 1 year olds
What’s the average height for a 9 year old boy in feet?

What’s the average height for a 9 year old boy in feet? According to US anthropometric reference data, the average height of a 9 year old boy in feet is 4 feet 6 inches tall.
To be specific, based on a sample size of 195 nine year old males, the average 9 year old boy height was found to be 4ft 5.5in or 135.9 cm.
Between the ages of 9 and 10, a boy will typically grow by around 2 inches. But since boys begin puberty at various ages (usually at around age 12) and go through it at different rates, these growth estimates should only be used as a guideline.
Height is mostly genetic, but environmental factors like diet, sleep, and exercise can also influence how tall a nine year old will grow. Still, research shows that 9-year-old children with good physical fitness don’t seem to be any taller than those with poor physical fitness.
What’s the average height for a 9 year old female in feet?

What’s the average height for a 9 year old female in feet? Based on the height measurements of 215 American 9 year old girls, the average height for a 9 year old girl in feet is 4 feet 6 inches tall.
Specifically, the girls in this sample size were 4ft 5.9in tall, which works out at 136.9 cm.
As you can see, girls and boys are just about the exact same height at the age of 10. And indeed, this trend continues until age 13, at which point most boys will begin to exceed their female peers in height.
What is the average weight for a 9 year old boy?

What is the average weight for a 9 year old boy? According to the data, the average weight of a 9 year old boy is 78.1 pounds, which is equal to 35.43 kilograms or 5.57 stone.
Like height, weight also increases rapidly as a boy begins to develop. By the time that a boy is 10, he will likely have gained 10 additional pounds of body weight.
Based on body mass index, the average BMI for a 9 year old boy is 18.8, which is considered ever so slightly overweight. This is based on the data for American 9-year olds.
Interestingly, in Spain, researchers found that over 40% of children aged 6-9 were either overweight or obese, indicating that many children in the developed world are carrying excess weight.
What is the average weight for a 9 year old girl?

What is the average weight for a 9 year old girl? Based on a sample of 216 American girls, the average weight of a 9 year old girl is 76.9 pounds, which works out at 34.9 kilograms or 5.5 stone.
Based on the combination of the average height and weight of 9 year old females, the average BMI for a 9 year old girl is 18.5, which is considered to be normal.
It’s interesting to note that, as well as being virtually the same height, nine year old boys and girls are almost equal in weight as well, showing that most 9 year old boys haven’t started puberty yet.
9 year old boy weight chart

This 9 year old weight chart for boys shows you the weight percentiles (different from averages) for nine-year-old males living in the US.
So, if a boy’s weight puts him in the 50th percentile, then he weighs more than around 50% of boys his age.
This chart should help you to work out just how underweight, overweight, or normal your child is.
9 year old girl weight chart

This 9 year old weight chart for girls shows the distribution of body weights for American nine year old girls.
So, if your daughter is in the 25th percentile, for example, then she’s only heavier than roughly 25% of girls her age, meaning that she’s slim for her age.
How tall are 9 year olds supposed to be?

How tall are 9 year olds supposed to be? Based on the average 9 year old height in feet, most 9 year olds are supposed to be around 4 feet 6 inches tall.
Naturally, some nine year old children will be taller or shorter than this, depending on their height genetics.
With this in mind, we’re now going to look at some specific heights to see if they’re considered short, normal, or tall for 9 year old females and males.
Is 4’6 tall for a 9 year old?
Is 4’6 tall for a 9 year old? Since 4’6 is the average height for a 9 year old boy and girl, it’s neither short nor tall. Rather, 4’6 is a perfectly normal height for a 9 year old male or female.
Is 4’7 tall for a 9 year old?
Is 4’7 tall for a 9 year old? Yes, seeing as the height of 4’7 is an inch above the average height for a 9 year old female and male, it’s on the tall side for a nine year old child.
There are, of course, still a fair few 9-year-olds who are 4’7. It’s not exactly an uncommon height for children of this age.
Is 4’8 tall for a 9 year old?
Is 4’8 tall for a 9 year old? Yes, considering that 4’8 is a full 2 inches above the 9 year old average height of 4’6, such a stature is definitely tall for a nine year old girl or boy.
At this height, they might not exactly tower over their peers, but they’ll definitely be noticeably taller than average.
Is 4’9 tall for a 9 year old?
Is 4’9 tall for a 9 year old? Yes, definitely. A height of 4’9 is a sizable 3 inches greater than the average height of a 9 year old girl or boy and would, in fact, mean that a 9 year old is taller than the average ten year old.
Is 4’10 tall for a 9 year old?
Is 4’10 tall for a 9 year old? Yes, absolutely. While 4’10 might not seem like a big height in the adult world, it definitely is for 9-year-old boys and girls. At this height, a nine year old male or female will be a full 4 inches taller than the majority of their peers.
Is 4’11 tall for a 9 year old?
Is 4’11 tall for a 9 year old? Yes, without a doubt, a height of 4’11 is very tall for a 9 year old indeed. In this case, such a height would put a nine year old well beyond the 90th percentile, meaning that they’d probably be taller than at least 90% of their peers.
Of course, some children might not like being so tall, and it’s normal at this age for children to start becoming conscious of being liked. However, barring any medical problems, there’s nothing wrong with being taller than average at any age.
Is 5ft tall for a 9 year old?
Is 5ft tall for a 9 year old? Yes, 5 feet is exceptionally tall for a 9 year old. Indeed, such a height is pretty tall for a child that’s 2 years older!
Is 5’1 tall for a 9 year old?
Is 5’1 tall for a 9 year old? A height of 5’1 is extremely tall for a 9 year old boy or girl and is tall to the point where we would have to question if the child has been accurately measured.
Of course, there are certainly exceptions to the average 9 year old height. But it would be very rare indeed for a 9-year-old to genuinely be 5’1.
Conclusion: Why is knowing the average weight for 9 year olds so important?

Knowing both the average weight for 9 year olds and the average height for 9 year olds can help you to see how heavy and tall your son or daughter is in comparison with other children their age.
This helpful information, in turn, can be used to assess their physical development and calculate their BMI, which is a useful tool for assessing adiposity.
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