If you’re wondering whether it’s actually possible to increase your height after 30, then this guide is for you. We’ll be discussing growth spurts in your 30s, height-increasing techniques, exercises, and more.
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Can you grow taller after 30 years of age?

Can you grow taller after 30 years of age? In the vast majority of cases, it’s not possible for a person to grow taller after 30 years old because the growth plates (epiphyseal plates) at the ends of your long bones have already closed by this time. [1]
This means that a height increase in your 30s is virtually impossible.
Of course, not everyone stops growing at the same age, and there are cases where individuals grew in height during their early 20s.
However, these growth spurts took place well before the age of 30, which is why growing taller after 30 is close to impossible for the vast majority of people.
Now, this isn’t to say that you can’t make yourself look taller by improving your posture and, if your height is a major insecurity, perhaps even wearing height-increasing insoles as well.
How can you increase your height after 30 years old?

While some people claim that they or their “clients” grew taller after 30, the truth is that most of these examples are either outright false or due to mismeasurement.
For example, in some grow taller after 30 success stories, the person will wear height-boosting insoles in the after picture to fake the height increase!
Other times the person will measure themselves straight out of bed, which is when you’re able to display the near-maximum height of your skeleton.
The human body is capable of many unique things, so it’s not impossible to grow taller after 30 years of age. But, barring genetic outliers, most people are simply not capable of growing any taller during their 30s.
Even supplements, such as vitamin D, which have previously been shown to increase height in children, don’t increase stature all the time. [2]
So you certainly don’t want to look for quick fixes or magic solutions because all of the effort in the world won’t make you any taller when you reach the age of 30.
Is it possible to have a growth sprout in your 30s?

So, can you have a growth spurt in your 30s? While you might see an example every now and then of someone who reportedly grew in their 30s, these examples are often either untrue or the result of some kind of genetic malfunction.
Ultimately, getting a growth spurt in your 30s in terms of height is such a remote possibility that it might as well be impossible.
But like I said, there are solutions—safe ones, too. You might not like the idea of wearing certain insoles, but some of these products will boost your height by 1-2 inches which, in addition to your shoes, can make a big difference to your perceived height.
Also, while improving your posture won’t lengthen your bones or even deliver much of a height boost, it will encourage you to stand tall, which will make people view you as a more confident person.
Can you really increase your height after the age of 35?

No, since you can’t increase your height after the age of 30, it follows that you also can’t get any taller after the age of 35.
Of course, leading a healthy lifestyle certainly sets you up for optimal physical development. But even if you’re the healthiest person in the world, you won’t get any taller after 35 because your growth plates have already fused.
Still, research does show that, in general, more exercise leads to greater increases in health. [3] So if you want to build a stronger, healthier body—an area, unlike height, that you can definitely control—it’s a smart idea to exercise daily.
Resistance training will increase your bone density, but it won’t lengthen your bones.
Aerobic exercise, like strength training, delivers a potent growth hormone boost which, during puberty, might help you eke out some extra height. But once you’re in your 30s, your days of getting taller are long gone.
In conclusion: Why it’s almost impossible to increase your height in your 30s
Although it varies by gender and by person, puberty is a fairly predictable process. The reality is that most people won’t get any taller after 30 or 35, regardless of what they do.
You can’t trigger a growth spurt in your 30s, nor will certain exercise tactics or diets give you the height boost that you’re looking for.
So why not focus on the areas of your body that you can control?
Sure, stretching will make you look slightly taller by straightening out your skeleton, but it won’t build muscle in the same way that lifting weights will. So get in the gym and start building confidence. Soon, you won’t even be thinking about your height.
- Emons, J., Chagin, A. S., Sävendahl, L., Karperien, M., & Wit, J. M. (2011). Mechanisms of growth plate maturation and epiphyseal fusion. Hormone research in paediatrics, 75(6), 383–391. https://doi.org/10.1159/000327788
- Hyppönen, E., Fararouei, M., Sovio, U., Hartikainen, A. L., Pouta, A., Robertson, C., Whittaker, J. C., & Jarvelin, M. R. (2011). High-dose vitamin D supplements are not associated with linear growth in a large Finnish cohort. The Journal of nutrition, 141(5), 843–848. https://doi.org/10.3945/jn.110.133009
- Warburton, D. E., Nicol, C. W., & Bredin, S. S. (2006). Health benefits of physical activity: the evidence. CMAJ : Canadian Medical Association journal = journal de l’Association medicale canadienne, 174(6), 801–809. https://doi.org/10.1503/cmaj.051351