This article will outline the average male weight by age, height, and race so that you can see how much a normal man weighs.
We’ll also look at why the average weight for men in the US and the UK is increasing and then explain how males can maintain a healthy weight for men of their height.
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What is the average weight for men in the US?

What is the average weight for men in the US? According to body mass data from an NHANES report, which weighed 5,085 men, the average male weight in America is 198.8 pounds or 90.6 kilograms. [1]
If we take the average male height in the US (5 foot 9) and combine it with the average adult male weight, we can see that the average man is overweight in terms of his BMI.
Specifically, the average American man is almost obese. So if trends continue in the coming years, obesity may actually become a normality among US adults.
What is considered a healthy weight for men?

A healthy weight for men is a body weight that, generally speaking, when combined with a man’s height, gives him a BMI of between 18.5 and 24.9.
Just note that while a BMI in this range is likely representative of the ideal male weight, it’s still possible to be unhealthy while having a normal BMI.
This is because BMI doesn’t distinguish between muscle mass and fat tissue. As a result, some men may have a reasonably low BMI while still storing far too much body fat around their waist, a problem that’s commonly referred to as abdominal obesity.
That’s the theory side of things. But let’s go through a quick real-life example of a healthy male weight.
Say that you’re 5 foot 10. In this case, a healthy weight for you would be somewhere between 130 lbs and 180 lbs. Obviously, if you have plenty of muscle mass, you’re naturally going to be on the higher end of this healthy male weight range.
What is the average male weight in the world?

The average male weight in the world across all countries is estimated to be between 136 lbs and 137 lbs, according to a study called The weight of nations: an estimation of adult human biomass. [2]
As useful as this data is for researchers and public health workers, it might not be truly representative of the average weight of an adult male because it seems to combine male weight with female weight.
Since men weigh significantly more than women on average, it’s likely that the average weight for men worldwide is quite a bit higher than 137 lbs, perhaps even over 150 lbs.
One thing’s for sure, countries like the United States, Canada, and the United Kingdom all have a much higher average male body weight than less developed nations and non-Western countries.
- Average weight for a 4’9 male
- Average weight for a 4’10 male
- Average weight for a 4’11 male
- Average weight for a 5’0 male
- Average weight for a 5’1 male
- Average weight for a 5’2 male
- Average weight for a 5’3 male
- Average weight for a 5’4 male
- Average weight for a 5’5 male
- Average weight for a 5’6 male
- Average weight for a 5’7 male
- Average weight for a 5’8 male
- Average weight for a 5’9 male
- Average weight for a 5’10 male
- Average weight for a 5’11 male
- Average weight for a 6’0 male
- Average weight for a 6’1 male
- Average weight for a 6’2 male
- Average weight for a 6’3 male
- Average weight for a 6’4 male
- Average weight for a 6’5 male
- Average weight for a 6’6 male
- Average weight for a 6’7 male
- Average weight for a 6’8 male
What is the average weight for boys in America?

The average weight for a boy in America heavily depends on the age of the boy and tends to increase significantly as a boy ages.
As you’ll soon learn when you see the weight chart by age for men in the next section, teenage boys weigh much less than adult men, indicating that male dietary and exercise habits change significantly as a man gets older.
Why this is, we can’t say for sure. But it’s likely that as a man becomes busy with work and family life and starts to make (or order) his own meals, he tends to overconsume calories and perform less exercise.
Average weight for a 10 year old boy
The average weight for a 10 year old boy is 89.8 pounds or 40.8 kilograms, which is actually slightly less than for girls of the same age.
Average weight for an 11 year old boy
The average weight for an 11 year old boy is 102.6 pounds or 46.5 kilograms, which is a 12-13 pound body mass increase between the ages of 10 and 11.
Average weight for a 12 year old boy
The average weight for a 12 year old boy in America is 107.8 pounds or 48.9 kilograms. This is a 5-pound body weight increase between the ages of 11-12, indicating that a 12-year-old boy has not yet experienced rapid pubertal height growth.
Average weight for a 13 year old boy
The average weight for a 13 year old boy is 133.2 pounds or 60.4 kilograms, which is a whopping 25-pound body weight increase since age 12. It’s no surprise that most 13 year old boys are growing rapidly in height during this phase of puberty.
Average weight for a 14 year old boy
The average weight for a 14 year old boy in the United States is 143.6 lbs or 65.1 kg, which is a 10 lb increase in body weight since age 13.
Average weight for a 15 year old boy
The average weight for a 15 year old boy is 160.2 lbs or 72.7 kilos, which is a substantial 16-pound body weight increase since age 14.
Average weight for a 16 year old boy
The average weight for a 16 year old boy in the US is 157.2 pounds or 71.3 kilos.
Average weight for a 17 year old boy
The average weight for a 17 year old boy is 170 pounds or 77.1 kilograms. This is a 10 lb increase since ages 15 and 16.
What is the average male weight by age?

The average male weight by age differs depending on the age of the man, but it ranges from 177.5 lbs for elderly men and 208.1 lbs for men in their thirties.
The average American male weight for men aged 20-29 is 188.6 pounds or 85.5 kilograms, which is 10 pounds less than normal for an adult man in the US.
The average US male weight for men aged 30-39 is a hefty 208.1 lbs or 94.4 kg, a sizable 20 lb body mass increase from the 20-29 age group, indicating that most men gain weight in their thirties.
The average weight of a man aged 40 to 49 is 206.9 pounds or 93.9 kilograms, a slight decrease from the previous age group.
Next, the average adult weight for a man aged 50 to 59 is 202.5 lbs or 91.9 kilos, again, a slight decrease from the previous age group.
The average weight for a man aged 60 to 69 is 201.2 pounds or 91.2 kilograms, which is almost the same as the 50-59 age group.
The normal weight for men aged 70 to 79 is 193.4 pounds or 87.7 kilos. This is a fairly significant weight reduction from the 60-69 age group, which may be due to muscle loss or simply a lower food intake due to a smaller appetite. [3]
The average weight of an American man aged 80 and over is 177.5 lbs or 80.5 kg. This is a significant drop compared to men in the 70-79 age group and is a strong indicator that most elderly men lose quite a bit of muscle mass.
Next, we’ll look at the average male body weight for a wide variety of ages.
Average weight for an 18 year old male
The average weight for an 18 year old male is 166.7 lbs or 75.6 kg. This is much less than the average US male weight and shows just how much excess body fat a guy gains as he ages.
Average weight for a 19 year old male
The average weight for a 19 year old male is 176.2 lbs or 79.9 kg, which is the heaviest weight out of all the teenage male age groups.
Average weight for a 20 year old male
While there is no data that specifically looks at the body weight of 20 year old males, there is research on the broader 20-29 age group.
Based on a sample of 802 20-29 year old males, the average weight for a 20 year old male is 188.6 pounds or 85.5 kilograms.
Average weight for a 21 year old male
As with 20 year old men, the average weight for a 21 year old male is 188.6 lbs or 85.5 kilos. Although overweight, this body mass is still over 10 lbs lighter than for the average American man.
Average weight for a 22 year old male
Based on the weights of over 800 US men, the average weight for a 22 year old male is 188.6 pounds, which works out to 85.5 kilograms.
Obviously, your weight depends on your height, build, and body composition, so we can’t categorically say that a given weight is healthy or unhealthy without knowing your other body measurements.
Average weight for a 23 year old male
According to US anthropometric data, the average weight for a 23 year old male living in the United States is approximately 188.6 pounds or 85.5 kilograms.
Average weight for a 24 year old male
As with 23 year old men, the average weight for a 24 year old male is right around 188.6 lbs or 85.5 kg.
Since research shows that men with a high BMI in their 20s are more likely to suffer from hypertension and diabetes in their 40s, it could be a good idea to slim down if you have an unfavorable body composition (i.e., much more fat than muscle or abdominal obesity). [4]
Average weight for a 25 year old male
The average weight for a 25 year old male in the US is 188.6 lbs or 85.5 kg.
This data is likely to be pretty accurate considering that 25 year old men are right in the middle of the heavily researched 20-29 age group, which the average weight of men here is based on.
Average weight for a 30 year old man
The average male weight in America for a 30 year old man is 208.1 pounds or 94.4 kilograms.
This estimate is based on the body weights of 804 American men aged 30-39. For this reason, while the data is generally representative of the average 30 year old male weight, some 30 year old men may be lighter than this, considering that age 30 is the first age included in this measurement group.
Average weight for a 40 year old man
The average weight for a 40 year old man is 206.9 lbs or 93.9 kg. This is based on the body weights of 766 adult males aged 40-49.
Average weight for a 50 year old man
Based on the body weight measurement data of 842 US men aged 50-59, the average weight for a 50 year old man is 202.5 pounds or 91.9 kilograms.
Average weight for a 60 year old man
According to American anthropometric data, which weighed 965 US males aged 60-69, the average weight for a 60 year old man is 201.2 lbs or 91.2 kilos.
Average weight for a 70 year old man
In the United States, the average weight for a 70 year old man is 193.4 lbs or 87.7 kg. Although lighter than average, this body weight is still considered overweight for most men.
Average weight for a 80 year old man
The average weight for an 80 year old man is 177.5 lbs or 80.5 kg. This estimate is based on the body weights of 335 US men aged eighty and above.
The average weight of a man by race
Here is the average male weight by race as outlined in the CDC National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey.
Average weight for white men

The average weight for white men in the US is 203.4 pounds or 92.2 kilograms, which is a few pounds heavier than the average human male weight in America.
White men aged 40-59 typically have the highest body weight, whereas white males aged 60 and over tend to have the lowest body weight out of all the age groups.
Average weight for black men

The average weight for black men in the United States is 200.1 pounds or 90.8 kilograms.
Specifically, the highest average weight for black males is observed in the 40-59 age group at 211.8 pounds (96.1 kg), whereas the lowest weight for black men is found in those aged 60 and over at 189.6 lbs (86 kg).
Average Asian male weight

The average Asian male weight is 168.1 pounds or 76.2 kilograms, which is the lowest average male weight out of any racial group examined in this survey.
Unlike the other racial groups, the highest average weight for Asian males is found in the 20-39 age group rather than the 40-59 age group.
Specifically, Asian men aged 20-39 weigh 176.3 lbs (80 kg) on average.
Asian men aged 60 and over weigh just 151.8 lbs or 68.9 kilos on average, which is substantially less than other groups.
Average weight for Hispanic men

The average Hispanic male weight, which includes Mexican American men, is 193.7 pounds, which works out to 87.9 kilos.
Breaking it down, the average weight for Hispanic men aged 20-39 is 193.9 lbs or 87.9 kg, while the average weight for a Hispanic man aged 40-59 is slightly heavier at 196.9 lbs or 89.3 kg.
Finally, Hispanic men aged 60 and over weigh 185.3 lbs or 84 kilos on average.
Average weight for Mexican American men

The average weight for Mexican American men is 196 pounds or 88.9 kilograms. This is based on the body weights of 754 Mexican American males aged 20 and over.
By age group, the average Mexican American male weight is 197.9 lbs for men aged 20-39, 198 lbs for men aged 40-59, and 183.2 lbs for men aged 60 plus.
Learn about the average male weight by height and age and much more in this helpful FAQ.
What is the average male weight in the UK?

What is the average male weight in the UK? According to NHS data, the average weight for men in the United Kingdom is 188.3 pounds or 85.4 kilograms, which works out to 13 stone 6 pounds. [5]
The average weight for British men has increased by more than 6 kilograms in the space of roughly 25 years meaning that, like their American counterparts, Brits are getting heavier and fatter.
What is the average male weight by height?

There is actually no research that has examined the average male weight by height directly. This is hardly surprising considering how hard it would be to get enough men of each height to make the data statistically relevant.
Still, by using BMI as our guide, we can certainly calculate (quite easily) the ideal weight for men by height.
Basically, you just use a BMI calculator and input your height and various body weights. To establish a lower threshold for the ideal male weight, you insert low body weights into the calculator until the BMI drops below 18.5, at which point you’re considered too thin.
Do the opposite to work out the (theoretical, BMI-based) body weight limit for your height.
So, as an example, if you’re 5 foot 10, then the ideal weight for a man of your height is between 130 lbs and 170 lbs.
Obviously, health isn’t measured by your weight or BMI (unless it’s really excessive). So you can weigh more than 170 lbs while still being really healthy.
Conversely, if a man is carrying a lot of body fat and comparatively less muscle mass, he can be abdominally obese and, therefore, unhealthy while technically having a “healthy” BMI.
Why is the average American male weight increasing so much?

Although some people naturally gain fat easier due to their genetics, your genes alone can’t explain obesity. Rather, environmental causes, such as overconsumption of high-calorie junk foods and a sedentary lifestyle are to blame.
Nowadays, people are eating more and moving less, which naturally leads to population-wide weight gain. [6]
Sure, gyms are everywhere, but with our increasingly stressful lifestyles, many people can’t seem to commit to regular exercise and a healthy diet.
How can a guy attain the ideal weight for men?

If you want to achieve a healthy weight for men of your height, then you need to make exercise a priority.
Not only will regular exercise keep weight gain at bay, but it’ll also help you to create a favorable body composition if you combine strength training and aerobic activity in your weekly workout routine.
You’ll also want to avoid junk food and instead opt for lower-calorie foods that contain plenty of nutrients. Getting enough protein, fats, and carbs each day is important for maintaining a lean physique, as is consuming sufficient quantities of all the essential vitamins and minerals.
Finally, sleep. Rest and recovery are overlooked by many people, which is a mistake considering that impaired sleep over long periods of time can disrupt your hormones and trigger weight gain.
So, if you want to have a healthy, normal weight for men, try to do the basics well rather than focusing on specific tactics that might give you a 2% edge.
Has the recommended weight for men changed over time?

While the ideal weight and body composition for men may have changed, the recommended weight for men is always based on the height of the man in question.
Essentially, if your weight and height combined result in a normal BMI, then your body weight is considered healthy for a man of your stature.
To be sure, you can have an overweight BMI while still being healthy, especially if you have a lot of muscle mass and comparatively less fat.
Likewise, your BMI score can be normal, but you can still be unhealthy if you’re carrying excess body fat, especially around your waist, which is indicative of dangerous visceral fat.
Is there such a thing as the perfect weight for men?

There is no such thing as the perfect weight for men if by that you mean a specific number. There might be a particular weight that you personally feel best at, but there’s no one perfect weight from a physical health or universal body satisfaction perspective.
Conclusion: Is the average adult male weight in America healthy?
The average male weight in America is much too high to be healthy. While you can be overweight and healthy if you have minimal body fat and plenty of muscle mass, this isn’t the case for the average American man.
The reason for this is that the average guy has an excessively large waist and too much body fat in general. So, in addition to the excessively high male weight, male body composition (too much fat, not enough muscle) is also a problem.
Another problem is the fact that the average weight for men in the US, the UK, and other nations is increasing. When will it go down? Only time will tell.
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- Walpole, S. C., Prieto-Merino, D., Edwards, P., Cleland, J., Stevens, G., & Roberts, I. (2012). The weight of nations: an estimation of adult human biomass. BMC public health, 12, 439.
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