Find out if the height of 5’10 is tall or short for a man.
James Jackson
Is 5’9 really that short for a man? The height measurements of over 5,000 men say no.
Find out if 5’11 men are considered tall or short by most people.
Find out what life is really like for 5’3 men.
Does being a 5’2 man mean that you’re at a big disadvantage?
Learn why the height of 6’2 is very tall for men—and extremely tall for women.
Find out how tall 6’1 really is for a man and a woman.
Is 6’3 tall for a guy? How tall is 6’3 for a woman? Learn the truth here.
Find out if a height of 6’5 is too tall for a guy and learn if it’s possible for a woman to be 6 foot 5.