If you’re looking for a guide on how to grow 6 inches taller in 2 weeks, 90 days, or something like that, then I’m afraid that you’re about to be disappointed.
The reality is that unless you’re still in puberty, you won’t be growing 6 inches taller in any timeframe.
Still, this article will provide some useful tips and techniques for maximizing your current skeletal height and, additionally, will outline a few more solutions for increasing your stature.
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- 10 inch height increase
How can you grow 6 inches taller?

So, how can you grow 6 inches taller? The only way that you can grow 6 inches tall is by going through puberty and the physical maturation that puberty entails.
There is still a lot of research to be done in the field of epiphyseal plates. [1] But one thing’s for sure: Once your growth plates have closed for good, there’s no getting taller, no matter how hard you try.
We really don’t like to crush people’s optimism. Yet, at the same time, we don’t want to lead people down the wrong path. That’s why it’s important that we’re extra clear when we say that post-puberty height growth is very unlikely.
Yes, there are late bloomers who grow into early adulthood, but these people are the exceptions to the rule.
Still, if you are in puberty and have many years of growth ahead of you, then it is conceivable that you could grow 6 inches taller in the space of a few years.
Maximizing your development during puberty pretty much boils down to getting plenty of sleep (at least 9 hours, if not more), doing daily exercise (at a moderate to vigorous intensity), and consuming a nutritious diet (don’t restrict your calories, and eat a wide variety of healthy, whole foods). [2]
Is it possible to grow 6 inches taller in 2 weeks?

Is it possible to grow 6 inches taller in 2 weeks? No, growing 6 inches in 2 weeks or any other short amount of time is a physical impossibility for the human body. The long bones, which are responsible for your stature, simply do not grow this quickly.
Now, you can make yourself significantly taller in 2 weeks or even less by artificially inflating your height.
This would entail wearing things like height-increasing insoles and shoes, which are becoming more popular, although they’re by no means a mainstream “fashion accessory” and certainly aren’t to everyone’s liking.
Can you actually grow 6 inches taller in 90 days?

Can you grow 6 inches taller in 90 days? Although a growing person can experience some noticeable height development in 3 months (90 days), you can’t grow 6 inches taller in 90 days because your bones don’t grow at a fast enough rate.
Now, if someone has some kind of genetic deformity where they produce extreme amounts of growth hormone, then they might be able to grow 6 inches in 90 days or somewhere close to it.
Personally, I haven’t seen any such examples, and achieving a 6 inch height increase in 90 days or a similar timeframe is completely impossible, barring the influence of genetic issues.
If someone insists that you can get 6 inches taller in 90 days, then they almost certainly have something to sell you. When the promise is really enticing, there’s a high chance that the claim is too good to be true. This is especially true in the height world.
Would it be good to grow 6 inches taller?

Some people who are going through puberty will naturally get 6 inches taller. But let’s say that you’re a fully grown adult. Would adding 6 inches to your height even be desirable?
If most people gained 6 inches of height, they’d be taller than the majority of people that they encounter on a daily basis. So they’d probably be very tall, but not quite weirdly tall.
Now, adding 6 inches to your height—if such an increase was possible—wouldn’t guarantee a successful life or success in any particular endeavor.
Sure, if you’re relatively short now, increasing your height by 6 inches might give you a confidence boost, but there’s more to life than just being tall.
And if you get too tall, then going about your daily activities can become cumbersome because the man-made world isn’t typically designed with exceptionally tall people in mind.
Related: 6 inch height difference
How long does it take to grow 6 inches taller?

How long does it take to grow 6 inches taller? During puberty, a growing person can get 6 inches taller in 2-4 years if their generics allow for a 6 inch height increase.
Of course, if a person has the genetics to be very tall, then they can certainly add 6 inches to their height more rapidly than this. The above is just a typical timeframe for adding 6 inches to your height during puberty.
Additionally, if someone is toward the end of puberty, then the chances of them getting 6 inches taller become very slim indeed.
And, if you’re an adult—in which case your growth plates will have closed—gaining any additional height, let alone 6 inches, becomes close to impossible.
The verdict on getting 6 inches taller: Why it’s not possible
As I’ve said before, you can’t grow taller once your growth plates have closed, which, for males, happens between the late teens and, in rarer cases, the early 20s.
So unless you’re in the middle of puberty and are growing fast, you won’t grow 6 inches taller even if you eat a healthy diet and do loads of exercise.
Still, by improving your posture and standing tall, you can most likely eke out some extra height, which is due to your spine becoming straighter and less compressed, not because your bones are lengthening.
- Mirtz, T. A., Chandler, J. P., & Eyers, C. M. (2011). The effects of physical activity on the epiphyseal growth plates: a review of the literature on normal physiology and clinical implications. Journal of clinical medicine research, 3(1), 1–7. https://doi.org/10.4021/jocmr477w
- Perkins, J. M., Subramanian, S. V., Davey Smith, G., & Özaltin, E. (2016). Adult height, nutrition, and population health. Nutrition reviews, 74(3), 149–165. https://doi.org/10.1093/nutrit/nuv105