This 4’5 height guide will discuss what life is like as a 4 foot 5 person from the perspectives of both adults and children.
We’ll explain how much a 4’5 person should weigh and go over the pros and cons of being 4 foot 5 in the modern world.
See Our Other Height Guides:
- Avg male height
- How tall is the average woman?
- 4’11
- 4’10
- 4’9
- 4’8
- 4’7
- 4’6
- 4’4
- 4’3
- 4’2
- 4’1
- 4 foot tall
Is 4’5 short for a woman?

Is 4’5 short for a woman? Yes, 4’5 is short for a woman because 4 feet 5 inches is 11 inches shorter than average for an adult female.
A 4’5 woman, medically speaking, has short stature and suffers from restricted growth, which typically occurs due to a genetic disorder or because of short parents.
4’5 women, while quite tall for a person with dwarfism, may receive unwanted attention for their height. This obviously isn’t a good thing, and such comments can often be upsetting to an individual with short stature. [1]
This is why I recommend treating 4’5 people like you would anyone else—like a human with a name.
Of course, some people may have never seen a short adult before. But once you realize that people do, in fact, come in small shapes and sizes, it’s a good idea to refrain from staring and just get on with your own business because 4’5 people don’t want to feel like a tourist attraction.
What is the average weight for a 4’5 kid?

The average weight for a 4’5 kid is around 78 lbs for males and 77 lbs for females. This data is based on nine year old American children who are, on average, slightly taller than 4’5, but not by much.
As you can see, a 4’5 height girl weighs roughly the same as a 4’5 height boy because, at this age, males and females are very similar in both height and body mass. Indeed, some girls might actually be a bit taller and weigh more than their male peers.
Now, when it comes to the weight of 4’5 adults, that’s a different story and, admittedly, well beyond the scope of my expertise. Interestingly, though, research does suggest that dwarfs typically have a higher incidence of obesity than people of a normal size. [2]
Is 4’5 a good height for a person?

Yes, 4’5 is a good height for a person in two ways.
First off, a growing person is bound to be 4 foot 5 at some stage during their development.
On the other hand, a 4’5 woman or a 4’5 man likely can’t change their height, so they simply have to make the best of their current stature.
And while there are cases of people laughing and staring at those with short stature, such instances, I hope, are becoming rarer as people realize that dwarfs are humans just like the rest of us and, therefore, people worthy of respect.
What’s it like being a 4 foot 5 woman?

Being a 4 foot 5 woman (or a 4 foot 5 man) is probably quite challenging in the sense that some activities can be difficult when you have short stature.
For example, buying clothes might be difficult in some places (but honestly, I don’t think 4’5 is short to the point where buying clothes is that hard).
While the internet is great for connecting with people who are also of a short stature, those who aren’t plugged into these communities can often feel isolated.
So it seems like it’s really important for 4 feet 5 inch men and women to find little people who are like them so that they can relate to each other and share their frustrations and problems.
Although 4 foot 5 is an uncommon height for adults, thanks to the various organizations for little people, there are now more ways than ever to connect with and meet people who are short.
Being 4’5 will likely present some physical challenges, but other than that, people who are 4 foot 5 can live a normal life like everyone else.
Hopefully, this article has opened your mind to the reality that there are people of so many different heights, and yet we all share a common humanity.
- Reedy, C. (2014, September 12). My life as a little person. CNN.
- Owen, O. E., Smalley, K. J., D’Alessio, D. A., Mozzoli, M. A., Knerr, A. N., Kendrick, Z. V., Kavle, E. C., Donohoe, M., Tappy, L., & Boden, G. (1990). Resting metabolic rate and body composition of achondroplastic dwarfs. Medicine, 69(1), 56–67.